Anti-harassment policy

Updated February 21, 2022

Collision is dedicated to providing an enjoyable, respectful and safe event experience for everyone, both offline and online. We expect participants to follow these rules within all conference environments and conference-related social environments.

We expect all participants to conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner. We do not tolerate bullying or harassment of event participants in any form, including, but not limited to:

  • Making verbal or written comments that reinforce social structures of domination related to gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, socioeconomic status, accent, religion and religious expression;
  • Engaging in deliberate intimidation;
  • Stalking or persistent following;
  • Cyberbullying;
  • Inappropriate or unwarranted photography, recordings or screen-captures;
  • Creating or sharing harmful, obscene or indecent content;
  • Creating or sharing cruel or insensitive content;
  • Facilitating sustained disruption of engagements;
  • Instigating inappropriate contact or unwelcome attention.

We also have zero tolerance for actions or behaviour that impact an event participants’ safety and wellbeing, including, but not limited to:

  • Facilitating any violence or criminal behaviour;
  • Promoting or publicising any criminal or violent activity;
  • Sexual exploitation of children or adults;
  • Violating privacy or image privacy rights of others;
  • Showcasing or promoting suicide and self-harm;
  • Using content that is hateful, harmful or graphic;
  • Engaging in behaviour or actions that are considered threatening.

The above-mentioned actions are not permitted in any of our conference environments, including talks and engagements, networking activities, such as workshops, meetings and other online conversations. Exhibiting, sponsoring, and similar activities, are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. We review both first-person and bystander reports of violations of this policy.

If a participant engages in the above-mentioned behaviour, the event organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund. Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. We may take action against a particular contribution or on an account basis by removing a particular post or message or by temporarily or permanently suspending access to a user. This is in addition to our rights of action contained in the Terms and Conditions of your ticket.

If you are experiencing or witnessing anything that violates this policy, or have any other concerns, please contact conference staff immediately via the below form or via a live support agent.

For questions or feedback regarding this statement, please contact

Report an incident

If you have experienced or witnessed any inappropriate behaviour while attending Collision events, please report it to us by emailing Every incident reported will be taken seriously and dealt with in the strictest confidence.