Discover Collision's tracks

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The AI track

AI Academy covers the latest trends, insights and technological developments from industry experts pushing boundaries in artificial intelligence.

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The one for creators

Content is taking the lead when it comes to creating consumer relationships, and technology developments are taking it to the next level.

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Business that innovates

Corporate Innovation Summit explores transformative business ideas with the people at the forefront of 21st-century enterprise.

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The design track

The creatiff track gathers the people designing the tech of tomorrow. Hear from the visionary artists, graphic designers and creatives driving design in all fields touched by tech.

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Technology in its infancy

Explore fundamental breakthroughs in science and engineering that will change lives and reshape industries.

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The journalism track

As the global media landscape evolves at breakneck speed, Fourth Estate is the place where industry leaders start complex conversations and make impactful decisions.

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The developer track

Incredible breakthroughs are made every day in the developer community. Join the world-leading developers and engineers asking the important questions.

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Where visionaries gather

From world leaders to tech pioneers, Future Societies is where the world’s most brilliant and influential minds come together to imagine the new worlds opened up by advanced technology.

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growth summit
Unicorns in the making

Growth Summit brings together the founders and leaders of the world’s highest growth companies. These are the companies of tomorrow.

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Healthcare as it will be

Is technology the new penicillin when it comes to healthcare breakthroughs? Join the conversations of leading medtech companies, scientists, and doctors.

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Autotech and robotics

Dive into the future of transportation and sustainability in the auto industry, learn about smart cities and their infrastructure, and explore the fascinating world of AI and robotics.

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The evolution of finance

A fintech conference like no other. MoneyConf is where the world’s leading banks, tech firms and disruptive startups meet.

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The marketing track

Forget what you’ve learned about marketing, as global giants, CMOs, international brands and adtech startups explore how tech has transformed the industry.

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The sustainability track

Our planet is facing its biggest challenges yet. Leading companies, innovators, startups, and activists put their heads together at planet:tech.

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Ask them anything

The tables turn as you take control of the conversation. Our biggest speakers answer your burning questions on Q&A.

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The SaaS track

SaaS Monster looks ahead with some of the biggest players in the industries of cloud computing, big data, security, customer service and enterprise technology.

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More than just a game

On SportsTrade, all-stars from the sports, tech and media worlds get together to break down the new technology transforming how we compete.

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Kickstarting a startup

Taking the plunge with your startup idea? Listen to advice from founders, CEOs and investors at Startup University.

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Smart money talks

The meeting place for the entire investor ecosystem. Venture is the place to hear from the people with the inside track on the future of investment.

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The future of Web3

Explore the burgeoning world of Web3. Understand the critical intersection of security, regulations, and cross-industry blockchain applications. As Web3 matures more in 2024, the world awaits to see a more sustainable business model.